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June 19, 2016



So sorry to hear that you've been having a tough year work-wise. I imagine it must be a terribly difficult industry - at the mercy of so many unpredictable variables including picky readers such as myself.

I know you have to keep your identity secret so we can't know what the books are that haven't yet fired but I'm sure I would be keen on them - based on their lack of GIRL titles alone as I determined not to read any of those from the beginning of this year (so far so good). I shall keep my fingers crossed for your books even though I can't know which ones they are


i was reading the paris review interview with joy williams this morning and thought of you when i read this:

INTERVIEWER: I think of the Internet, the sheer volume. Cynthia Ozick wrote recently about the influence of this environment, all those Amazon customer reviews.

WILLIAMS: Who writes those?

INTERVIEWER: Anyone. People who may, in an earlier age, have written letters to the editor.

WILLIAMS: It’s one thing when it’s a restaurant. I mean, they can destroy a restaurant overnight. To do that with *books*?


keep fighting the good fight — and please keep writing here!

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