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July 02, 2010


Jersey Jack

An excellent epiphany; now if I can get you to try first person, present tense again ...

Doug Riddle

Great post. I have even gone so far as to go to the library and pick up a large type ed. of a book if the chapters are long and dense. By the end of the evening, my back can usually take the stress of a heavy book easier then the stress on my eyes.


I never feel compelled to finish a chapter be it three pages long or fifteen. And there's generally a sufficient amount of double-leaded thought-breaks within each chapter where one might stop reading for whatever reason.

K. M. Mutch

I tend to do my recreational reading at night before going to sleep. Last night, at the end of a chapter, I found myself looking ahead to see how many pages were in the next one before reading on even though I find the particular author addictive (Lee Child). Too many (maybe 15 pages) so I stopped where I was - until tonight. So your reasoning is persuasive to me.

Suzanne H. Patton

I don't think something with long chapters has to be a "huge book". I write long chapters, but I stick within the genre fiction word range. If I wrote 5 page chapters, things would probably be too broken up in certain places, it wouldn't have the flow. But I also have specific scene breaks, for when POV changes, so that helps.

But more than anything, I think if the chapter draws you in and you forget that you even read 15 pages, then that's a good book. If the chapters are short, but boring, it might sell, but a second book won't.


Does this mean you will change the format of your blog and replace the tiny size letters jammed together in single line format with larger size letters and more empty space between lines?

Karina Chiodo

There is also a tendency to scan rather than read when looking at type-packed pages. But by choosing books with a more convenient typesetting, you may be missing out on good books available, too. Maybe change your reading habits, or the distance of the page from your face? Whatever it is, don't strain your eyes too much.

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