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April 17, 2009


Emily Winslow

I dislike serial killer books where the author has the SK leave a repetition of explicit, formal and self-aware manifestation of his underlying psychology as a trail of bread crumbs for the investigator to follow. While the crimes of real SKs certainly do reveal patterns, many fictional ones have taken this idea to an absurd extreme. It's a big leap from "Ted Bundy was drawn to kill women of a certain physical type that resembled an ex-girlfriend" to "fictional killer seeks out Pisces victims and leaves a can of tuna upsidedown at each crime scene, in a conscious nod to the trauma of his father's drowning death at sea."

delta dupree

LOL. Emily that was too funny. And so right! I want authors to snow me. Too many books are too easy to figure out who the villain is by page 50, or before.

With so many writers--so many books on the shelves--they can't be running out of material.


Fabulous post.

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