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February 06, 2009


Mark Troy

Wow, you surprised me with someone I haven't read. In fact, after all the praise you heaped on her, I'm embarrassed that she isn't even on my radar. I'm going to hunt all the garage sales until I find some of her books.

Mark Troy

Wow, you surprised me with someone I haven't read. In fact, after all the praise you heaped on her, I'm embarrassed that she isn't even on my radar. I'm going to hunt all the garage sales until I find some of her books.

Edward Schonberg

You have hit the mark with the selection of Millar. The best of her books would surprise and then another from a different angle entirely. She was unique and very satisfying. The books from the forties through the sixties are the best.


Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine, who has sustained an excellent and highly varied series and stand-alone output over 40 plus years. She's marvellous. Police procedurals (Inspector Wexford), psychological thrillers, mysteries, short stories....

Or if you insist upon American, Mary Higgins Clark, very under-rated, but an impressive and long back-list of consistent best selling mysteries on a wide variation of themes (usually involving a capable female main character).


Excellent post! I have only read one Millar, and have read all of Chandler--should rectify that. Thanks for the recs. I'm racking my brain trying to think of another who fits your criteria, and cannot. Yay!

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