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December 29, 2008


Liz Zelvin

I was bowled over by your unexpected and generous Cheers for my persistence in getting my debut mystery out there. I have kept going in the face of much discouragement not only because of my own determination to realize a lifelong dream, but because the incredibly supportive community of mystery lovers simply would not let me fall. Happy New Year and thank you soooo much! Liz

Mack Lundy

Regarding Wish #5 - no kidding! Between the classics I haven't read and the good stuff coming out I feel like the subject of a perverse experiment where I'm punished no matter what I do.

Thanks to Cheers #4, I learned about Liz Zelvin and just added Death Will Get You Sober to my read list.

And I'm a librarian (Thanks #1) so you're welcome.

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